# Prefix Trigger Description
1 = cry cry if you feeling sad
2 = avatar [@mention] bot will show mentioned user's avatar
3 = dab dab on haters
4 = pat bot will show a pat gif
5 = laugh laugh if you feeling happy
6 = slap slap some if you feeling angry 🤐
7 = current shows current date
8 = userinfo [@mention] shows information related to mentioned user
9 = poll [question] polls a question
10 = text [your text] converts your text to image
11 = meme shows a random meme
12 = amongus shows amongus api image
13 = hack [@mention] fake hack someone


# Prefix Trigger Description
1 = clear [number of bulk] clear previous messages
2 = kick [@mention] kick any member from server
3 = ban [@mention] ban someone from server
4 = unban [id] unban someone from server
5 = mute [@mention] [reason] mute a person
6 = unmute [@mention] unmute a person
7 = giverole [@mention] [@role] give role to a user
8 = removerole [@mention] [@role] remove role from a user
9 = nuke deletes upto 100 messages at once
10 = warn [@mention] [reason] warn a person
11 = cw [@mention] check warnings of a mentioned user
12 = resetwarns [@mention] reset warns of a mentioned user
13 = antilink on turns on antilink for whole server
14 = antilink off turns off antilink
15 = setpc [#channel] set promotion channel for antilink
16 = removepc remove promotion channel for antilink
17 = lock lock lock a channel
18 = lock unlock unlock a locked channel


# Prefix Trigger Description
1 = 24x7 stays in vc for 24x7 (must play a song first)
2 = mhelp sends msuic help
3 = loop toggle loop
4 = lyrics get lyrics of currently playing song
5 = nowplaying shows currently playing song in this server
6 = pause pause currently playing song
7 = playlist play a playlist
8 = queue shows songs queue in this server
9 = remove [number] remove a song from the queue
10 = resume to resume the paused music
11 = search [song name] search a song
12 = shuffle shuffle queue
13 = skip skip currently playing song
14 = skip to [number] skip to the selected queue number
15 = stop stops the music
16 = volume volume toggle


# Prefix Trigger Description
1 = setjoin [#channel] set join logging channel
2 = setleave [#channel] set leave logging channel
3 = joinmsg [message] set greet message
4 = autorole set [@role] set autorole
5 = joinlogs on turn on join logs
6 = joinlogs off turn off joinlogs
7 = autorole on turn on autorole
8 = autorole off turn off autorole
9 = stoplogs it will reset logging system
10 = set wcb [premium features] set custom welcome card background
11 = wa help sends welcomer and autorole help


# Prefix Trigger Description
1 = v help sends verification help
2 = set_vrole [@role] set verification role
3 = give code sends a CAPTCHA code
4 = verify [catcha] verify to get verification role


# Prefix Trigger Description
1 =g start [#channel] [time]s/m/h/d [winners] [prize] starts giveaway (refreshes every 3 seconds)
2 =g end [giveaway prize name] end a giveaway
3 =g reroll [giveaway prize name] reroll a giveaway


# Prefix Trigger Description
1 = add/invite invite me to your server
2 = ping shows ping(ms) of the bot
3 = status shows the status of the bot
4 = support sends link of our support server
5 = serverinfo shows information about this server
6 = afk [message] by doing this when any person pings you the bot will send him your afk message
7 = stopafk stop afk
8 = ticket-setup [#channel] set up a ticket channel
9 = close close ticket
10 = covid [country name] shows covid 19 status for a country
11 = report [report] report any bug or problem about crown bot
12 = set timer [time]s/m bot will remind you when mentioned timer ends [upto 40 minutes]